Delhi Public School Tapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society, New Delhi (CBSE Affiln. No. 430135)

Competition: Inter House Board Deco - World Heritage Day

On 20.04.24 an exhilarating Inter House Board Decoration Competition was held to commemorate World Heritage Day. The event aimed to provide students a platform to showcase their creativity, unique ideas, and knowledge about various heritage sites. The competition witnessed enthusiastic participation from students who embraced the opportunity to learn about their responsibilities towards preserving our rich cultural heritage. The diversity of approaches and styles exhibited the students' ability to think critically, making the competition truly captivating. The judges had a tough time choosing winners because all the entries were impressive. Through the competition, students learned why it's essential to protect our cultural heritage for generations to come.

Winners are as follows:






1st Runner Up


2nd Runner Up

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