Delhi Public School Tapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society, New Delhi (CBSE Affiln. No. 430135)

Knowledge and Skills Exhibition - I-II

Delhi Public School Tapi organized the ‘Knowledge and Skills Exhibition’ for the students of Classes I-II on 15 March 2024. The exhibition aimed to display the comprehension and artistic capabilities of the students covering subjects such as English, Hindi, Mathematics and Gujarati as well as Art and Craft where they explained the concepts of grammar like nouns, verbs and adjectives. They also explained the concept of money, number lines, tens and ones and data handling through demonstrations and games. Students presented role play and story narration to showcase their verbal-linguistic abilities. This exhibition provided the platform to demonstrate multiple intelligences which further enhanced their confidence, communication and interpersonal skills. They concluded the day with bright faces that reflected the vast amount of knowledge they gained from the innovative exhibits. A true depiction of the 3-dimensional Report Card.

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