Delhi Public School Tapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society, New Delhi (CBSE Affiln. No. 430135)

Knowledge and Skills Exhibition - III-V

Inspiring Learning and Exploration

The Knowledge and Skills Exhibition held on 16 March 2024, was marked as a significant milestone in fostering interdisciplinary learning and student engagement for the students of Classes III-V. Through collaborative projects, students seamlessly integrated concepts from various subjects such as English, Hindi, EVS, Mathematics and Gujarati as well as Arts and Crafts to propose the concept of the time model, guess the shape, fractions model, Vedic math’s trick, perimeter model, decimal working model, solar and lunar eclipses, digestive system, water purification model, types of irrigation, constellations, different sources of water, etc. A few grammar games of conjunctions, nouns, prepositions, tenses, 8 parts of speech, and poetic devices such as simile and alliteration. Students presented Role play, Puppet show, Nukkad Natak and story narration to showcase their verbal-linguistic abilities. Additionally, student presentations demonstrated heightened communication skills, as students confidently articulated their research findings and creative endeavors, reflecting a sense of ownership and engagement in their learning process. The Knowledge and Skills Exhibition provided a platform to showcase their learning journey and inspire others to explore the world around them. The exhibition served as a testament to the passion for learning and the diverse talents of our students.

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